Thursday, June 18, 2015

Top 10 "looked at" RVs by on-line shoppers

When I was but a wee lad, my father instructed me, "Numbers make the world go round." I didn't get it then, but looking back over time, numbers are big in just about any subject under discussion. Here's an interesting number – the "RVs for Sale Site" found at cleared over a quarter-million visits in May. That's a lot of folks looking at RVs for sale.

Are you shopping for an RV? Or maybe you're thinking about putting one on the market? Then you might be interested to know what other folks are looking at when they go RV shopping – at least when they shop "on-line."

So, from the company that gets a lot of traffic, here's what the folks at say are the current leaders in searches for RV makes and models so far for 2015.

  1. Phaeton by Tiffin (Class A – Diesel). Top models include: 40QBH, 40QSH, 36GH.
  2. Allegro Bus by Tiffin (Class A – Diesel). Top models include: 40QDP, 43QGP, 42QRP.
  3. Dutch Star by Newmar (Class A – Diesel). Top models include: 4018, 4369, 4023.
  4. Dynasty by Monaco (Class A – Diesel). Top models include: 42 Emperor IV, 38PBS, Diamond IV.
  5. Cougar by Keystone (Travel Trailer). Top models include: 327RES, 310SRX, 337FLS.
  6. Bounder by Fleetwood (Class A – Gas or Diesel). Top models include: 35E, 35K, 36S.
  7. Mountain Aire by Newmar. Top models include: 4301, 4121, 4528.
  8. Lance by Lance (Truck Camper). Top models include: 1181, 825, 1172.
  9. Discovery by Fleetwood (Class A – Diesel). Top models include: 40G, 40X, 39S.
  10. View by Winnebago (Class C) – Top models include: 24J, 24G, 23H.

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